Staged Homes Sell Faster!
It's a fact, staged homes
and for more money.
This is an excellent article that sums up just exactly why you can't afford not to stage you home when putting it on the market. Staging is an integral part of marketing your home to get it sold fast and for top dollar.It's a fact -- the longer a house languishes on the market, the lower the selling price will be.
"Home staging is like dressing your house for success," Patte Lau, interior stylist, said. "Just like you would prepare for a very important interview, first impressions of a house are a top priority. The role of stagers goes above and beyond decorating. Stagers recreate the look and feel of a seller's house so that potential buyers can envision themselves living there."
The original pioneer of the home staging industry nearly 40 years ago, Realtor Barb Schwarz has personally taught more than a million people as a professional trainer and logged more than 20,000 hours as seasoned speaker.
"There are two things that sell a home -- one of these is price and the other is home staging," she said. "It's really important that the way you live in your home and the way you market and sell your house are two different things. When you think about your investment in your property, which is your No. 1 investment in life usually, the investment in staging your home is less than a price reduction on your home."
"Staging is a proven technique for improving and optimizing the home-selling experience," said Lau, whose unique background as an interior decorator and longtime photography prop stylist specializing in room design made her an ideal protégé for one of her area's most sought-after stagers. "As it continues to gain momentum on the East and West coasts, staging has become very popular in Illinois, where the sellers are really driving it, asking Realtors, 'Are you going to have somebody come in and stage my home?' In Indiana, Realtors are driving it, introducing staging as part of a comprehensive marketing plan, noting that it will make a house look great online so it really stands out from the competition."
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