Top 10 Home Trends Buyers Want Today
Technology, energy efficiency, and smart home features are some of the top 10 trends buyers want today. It's interesting how technology and a younger generation of buyers influence so much of what's happening in market trends. The key is balance and knowing where to invest and which improvements will net the greatest return. This data is very helpful to sellers trying to understand how to appeal to today's home seekers.
In addition to energy efficiency and smart home features, buyers are looking for simple elegance, clean design, softer living features and ease of upkeep.
Not surprising...buyers also want the latest smart home features and wiring to maximize the convenience of living in and working from home.
Lower pile rugs, cork floors, softer colors and matte finish appliances are making their way into the home fashion scene.
When reading the list, please keep resale in mind and avoid over improving.
Do you want to know what the best changes are for your home?! Call a home staging professional first to decide how to maximize YOUR profits!
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