How Much Does It Cost To Stage?
How much does it cost to stage your home? Great question, home staging prices varyso read our article to find out what you can expect as the Seller or the Agent when you are shopping around. As with any professional service, pricing your home staging can greatly vary between providers. Some stagers charge an hourly rate and some will charge you a set fee for the entire job. There is usually a significant price difference in staging homes, which are occupied and already have furnishings, and unoccupied properties, which are often empty.
Professional stagers factor in the condition of your home, the materials they need to use, the scope of work they will be involved in to prepare your home for sale (an example would be choosing paint colors for rooms which need painting, selecting new light fixtures to be replaced and other proven, cost effective, updates to maximize your selling price) and the asking price of your home.
Listing price is a factor in determining what a homeowner should be willing to pay for home staging services. Many professional home stagers bring in a variety of model-grade furnishings which ideally reflect both the price point of the home and it's architectural style. Congruence in materials based on the asking price is critical for creating an effective stage!
A professional stager will respect the seller's budget and make recommendations which best maximize the appeal of the home within that budget. The best stagers will always let the seller know where their investment will pay off and what makes the most sense.
Staging services can also include re-design services for occupied homes, and written reports and consultations for properties where the seller needs less help or wants to do the work themselves. Staging when done well always increases the selling price of the property and is far less costly than a price reduction which seller's do when a property doesn't sell.
If you would like to get a quote to stage your home or ask us questions please contact us here.
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