Successful Home Staging Means Using Artwork Effectively
Using the right artwork will 'make' your home staging, using the wrong artwork will break it!
Professional Home Stagers know that successful Home Staging means using artwork effectively. In fact, artwork selection is one of the most impactful and important aspects used in home staging projects.
Choose the correct pieces by combining the styling of the furnishings to the scale of the rooms and walls. Consequently, this is a key consideration in making good art work choices.
With few exceptions, always harmonize the architecture and furnishings to the artwork. If you have a Spanish Hacienda style home, using artwork of southwestern scenes and reproduction work by the famous artist Freida Kahalo could work in nicely. But what if the property is neutral and has no predominant style?! Then build around the general themes in colors that are present in the paint, flooring and furnishings with flowers and landscapes as the artistic subject. These choices are usually a safe bet.
To accomplish the most effective impact when trying to entice prospective buyers, use artwork with harmonizing colors and subjects. Elements like textures/fabrics and natural material; think wood-metal-stone that are already existing in the rooms can be reflected in the artwork. For instance don't be shy using a wood frame that compliments your side tables.
Keep in mind that a few large pieces of art in a similar palette and tonality are always more effective than many small, unmatched pieces.
When it comes to the size of art, you should determine this by the scale of the furniture in each room and the size of the walls that each piece will be placed upon. An especially large artwork is best hung on the largest wall that's visible when you first enter the space; this allows for the greatest impact.
Paired art pieces also have a major influence upon your staged rooms. They can be used quite effectively over a sofa or bed, on the focal point wall in a formal dining room, or in an entryway.
Hanging art in the right positioning is equally important!
When you're hanging art, do so by placing it at the correct height and in proportion to the room, the piece and its placement is vital. The biggest mistake homeowners make is placing artwork too high on the walls. A wide range of online links are available to quickly learn the best placement of art, based on it's size and other features that you must consider, in order to create maximum appeal.
Artwork not only adds color and interest to every room, when correctly used, artwork actually helps visually fill your spaces and does this without causing any feelings of clutter or confusion.
Remember, when it comes to home staging, less is more and this is still true when it comes to art. Strategically consider all of the pieces you have to work with before hanging them. If need be, try them out in different locations in your rooms to make certain you're creating the most appealing and inviting experience for potential buyers.
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