Bad Staging Is STILL Funny
Bad staging is still very funny, but not if it's in your home.
It's been almost a year since we ran one of our most popular posts, ever! Call it gaining pleasure at another's misfortune, or just plain old feeling superior to your neighbors. Nevertheless, here is an update to some of the worst staging we've found. When one room is this bad, you can be sure the rest of the house is the same or worse. Home Buyers and their Realtors can see it, and now you can too.
Trust us, every experienced real estate agent has endured the embarrassing, and often hilarious, experience of showing a home that shows terribly. Often it looks nothing like the online photos, and it's hard to know whether to run out the door with your hair on fire, or make an offer so low every person in town will buy it for that price.
Like the now infamous "People of Walmart"...we think bad staging is still very funny! Our intent is not to be mean-spirited, but let's be honest, these rooms must be seen to be believed and some are just beyond description. Only photos can demonstrate their awfulness. The good news is that they always make the next home look simply beautiful by comparison.
Our Suggestion?!
If the listing agent solicits your opinion on their property, please be kind (hold back your sarcasm and laughter) and be helpful...recommend they look into professional home staging. Professional home stagers know how to make some of the most challenging homes look appealing. When you are straightforward, you help them. An investment in quality professional staging always means a faster sale and far more dollars to the sellers.
It's true, there are still many badly staged homes out there which result in homes selling far below market value.
Go ahead, let your sangfroid loose and smile at the pictures below...they are the latest in the Best of the Worst we've found.
Why Stage Your Home?
Staging homes for sale have been part of the real estate business for decades. Professional home staging makes properties appeal to potential buyers. A survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors concludes that agents believe staging can increase the asking and final sale price up to 15%. Home staging may not always significantly increase the closing price on a home, but it benefits the seller by shortening the length of time a house is on the market.
Remember that first photo above? This is what professional staging did for the space...and YES! The home sold!
Employ Professionals
The awareness of the value of professional home staging is increasing so be sure to work with Realtors and Home Stagers who understand how to use staging and what it can do for the sale when it goes on the market. An informed Realtor will recommend the steps to take in the sale of your home and this includes connecting you with a reputable home stager. The money spent on staging will help shorten the market time and will likely increase net sale proceeds.
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